All posts by HKDEA

第十三屆TBS DigiCon6大賞公佈香港區選拔賽結果 (Chinese only)

由日本TBS電視台主辦的「第十三屆TBS DigiCon6大賞」已於2011年11月18日在東京舉行頒獎禮。今年香港區選拔賽第一名由香港理工大學設計學院學生吳浩然創作的劇情片「不知者」奪得,故事講述關於男主角因歸咎父親死亡是由一名女子疏忽導致而觸發連串事件。得獎者隨同由香港生產力促進局(生產力局)及香港數碼娛樂協會組織的代表團出席典禮,並親自上台領獎。 Continue reading 第十三屆TBS DigiCon6大賞公佈香港區選拔賽結果 (Chinese only)

13th DigiCon6 Awards — Open for Entry Now!

DigiCon6 Awards is being held annually by Tokyo Broadcasting System Television (TBS) and Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association (HKDEA) to recognize the talented digital artists and reward their outstanding works. It supports winners’ creative activities in various ways, such as to release the winning work, help to seek business opportunities and publicize to the general public.

It now comes to the 13th anniversary for the DigiCon6 Awards. The participation was widely extended to 10 Asian regions including Japan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Korea, The Philippines, Malaysia and India. The contestants from these regions will compete for the prestigious DigiCon6 Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards. Similar to past years, Hong Kong winners will have chance to attend the DigiCon6 Presentation Ceremony in Tokyo, Japan in person!

The deadline for submission is 5 August 2011, act now!

Method for Submission
Please send the DVD (NTSC or PAL) together with the completed Application Form to the following address:
c/o HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Attn: Ms. Norelle Lai

For enquiry, please contact Ms. Norelle Lai (Tel: 2788-5779 / email: [email protected]).